Step-by-step HowTo's to help you fulfill some common backup-tasks.
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A simple step-by-step guide to help you make your first backup.
Let's suppose you want to make a ZIP-backup of "C:\Program Files\Abakt".
The following steps describe how to create and execute a Profile to do just that.
- Start Abakt and create a new Profile. [File | New Profile].
- Go to page Source [F6]:
Click the button 'Add'. [Alt+A]
Browse to "C:\Program Files\Abakt\" and click OK.
- [Optionally] On the Files-panel:
Right-click a file, a popup menu appears that will help you create the most common file-masks.
You can review/edit these masks on page Filters [F7].
- Go to page Action/Action Type [F8]:
Select the desired Action: "Zip".
- Go to page Action/Action Type Settings [F9]:
Review the settings for the selected Action ("Zip"). The default settings are Ok.
- Go to page Destination [F10]:
Click the button 'Directory' and select an existing directory. Or create a new one.
- To create the backup click the button 'Execute Action'. [Ctrl+X]
Include only one file in a directory
Rephrased: Exclude all files in a directory except for one (or more) specific file(s).
Following is an example of how to exclude all files in "C:\Test\", except the file "C:\Test\keep-me.txt".
- The directory "C:\Test\" must be selected (yellow checkbox).
Unselected directories will be ignored throughout the rest of the filter process.
- Right-click the file "keep-me.txt" in the Files view.
In the popup choose: "Add File To - Include Filter and Exclude All Others".
This creates two filter-masks:
a) Exclude: "C:\Test\|*". Tell Abakt to exlude all files in "C:\Test\".
b) Include: "C:\Test\|keep-me.txt". This mask overrides the exclude mask above. The Include filter acts as an override filter for the Exclude filter.
- At this point all files in the directory "C:\Test\" are excluded except for "keep-me.txt".
You can repeat step 2 for other files you want to force-include.
Make use of the Windows Task Scheduler
You can use the command line options to feed the Windows Task Scheduler.
Create a Windows shortcut-file to Abakt with a Target like this:
"C:\Program Files\Abakt\Abakt.exe" -b "C:\Profiles\MyProfile.abp"
Or like this: "C:\Program Files\Abakt\Abakt.exe" -b -x -m "MyGroupOfProfiles.abg"
- Instruct the Windows Task Scheduler to call the shortcut you created.
You can call a .BAT file to perform more advanced tasks.
Refer to the manual for Abakt's command line parameters.
Send mail when a backup has finished
Following is an example of a .BAT script that calls Abakt and sends a status e-mail.
You should probably modify the script a little so that it works on your system.
The script uses blat, a command line utility to send mail.
Download and extract it to "C:\Program Files\blat\".
set BLAT="C:\Program Files\blat\smtp\blat.exe"
set ABAKT="C:\Program Files\Abakt.exe"
set PROFILE=MyProfile
set HOME=C:\Documents and Settings\erik
set LOGFILE="%HOME%\Application Data\Abakt\Log\%PROFILE%.log"
@rem == Prepare blat:
%BLAT% -install %EMAIL%
@rem == Call Abakt:
%ABAKT% -b -x -l -m "%PROFILE%.abp"
goto result%ERRORLEVEL%
:result0 @rem OK (0x00) %BLAT% %LOGFILE% -s "%PROFILE% Ok" -to %EMAIL% @goto end
:result2 @rem OK+WARNING (0x02) %BLAT% %LOGFILE% -s "%PROFILE% Ok+warnings!" -to %EMAIL% @goto end
:result1 @rem ERROR (0x01)
:result3 @rem ERROR+WARNING (0x03) %BLAT% %LOGFILE% -s "%PROFILE% FAILED!" -to %EMAIL% @goto end
Create Zip files larger than 4GB
Abakt 0.9.0-beta3 and higher:
When creating Zip archives (using ZipForge) you can set Zip64 Mode to 'Always' or 'Automatic' to create large archives. |